Saturday, 4 April 2009

Active Steps

We practise changes of direction with active steps so that we develop the muscles to be able to do so as well as the habit to have a low centre of gravity and most important the mind that is coordinated and able to lead the body movement.

When we have developed the habit to be able to change from forward to back, back to forward, or to dodge to the side, without being awkward we no longer need to work on the technique. We always have the potential to move from the feet without disharmony and maintain the feeling that we can do so.


Organicskip said...

Hi Alan do you have an email account? The contact button on your website is not working?

Best wishes

A Peck said...

Hi Silentmind,

My email address is

Thank you for pointing out the failure of the contact link on the website. I will correct it when I return to UK.

Regards, Alan