Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Practising the form for pushing hands students

When applying the techniques which have been understood from the experiences of pushing hands we should not try to match up the experiences exactly.

When we are relating to another person's energy in a pushing hands situation we follow the other person's force.

When we practise the solo form we exercise and move our own internal forces in an ideal situation without any other concern. The objective is to increase the force and become familiar with the force. To train the force to follow the mind intent.

However, of course there are features in common. The rotation of forces correspond to physical turning of the waist and rotation of the elbows and hands, etc. but the orbits for these turning forces is a matter of coordination and correspondence. Generally we practice to simplify all the features of our movement through the postures to serve our intended application of the forces.

So we do need to understand the application of the postures but when we practice we do not need to imagine another person we only need to understand which aspect is yielding and which is attack and then we can maintain a fluid circulation of forces.

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