Monday, 2 February 2009

Letting go of the physical body

When we relax we let go of holding and allow the natural state to be there without interference. To let go of the physical body we can contemplate why it is so difficult at the beginning.

We think we are our physical body or at least we feel that we own our physical body. If we have a stomach ache we say "I have a stomach ache." or, "my stomach aches." We don't usually say "there is an ache in the stomach."

We identify with our body. The sense of who we are gets mixed up with the experience of body sensations. In order to relax we have to find a way to disentangle this mix up. So we can allow the body to feel like it does not belong to us, that we have little control over it, that it is unpredictable in the way that it moves. Well... this helps a little but we still have this habit to hold on to something.

When we have managed to 'get the ch'i' and have a sensation in the body that the ch'i is everywhere we can cultivate an identification with the ch'i. When we feel that we are fully connected to the ch'i we can let go of the physical body more easily.

To let go of the ch'i we can progress to the next level and let go into 'mind states.'
Bristol 2.2.09

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