Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Main Points from the Class

When we begin t'ai chi our experience is physical at a gross level - just arms and legs and so on. We use t'ai chi principles of movement to enable the body to move as a coordinated whole. Why is this?

The function of moving as one-piece is to allow the mind to experience the ch'i as an unbroken sensation.

To feel the ch'i you will need to relax deeply, draw out the bones and use the mind intent. To achieve the desired result is not straightforward and requires careful tuition with demonstation in support.

If the movement is coordinated from the feet then the body can function as a whole and will permit the mind to stay connected with internal feeling of force. Then it is possible to move the mind intent and direct the feeling of the force. Slowly the practice enables the body to follow the force. Therefore it is very important not to use external muscular effort in such a way that the ch'i is blocked.
Bristol 5.1.09

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