Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Lifting hands

To achieve the application of 'lifting hands' you must pay attention to the rotation of force in the body.

During the first part of opening the posture the arms rotate as the elbows are lowered. The thumb side of the hands move up and the little finger side moves down. The force in the body moves up the front and down the back.

During the 'close' part of the posture the rotation of the elbows is reversed and the force moves down the front and up the back.

It is important to stay connected to the internal feeling of rotation of force and not get distracted by arms and legs. The force is finally directed through the hands towards the midline on the horizonatal plane. To achieve the direction of force the elbows must be raised.

If all this is little complicated try to recognise the movement of the forces in the body when you sneeze !

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