Wednesday 29 April 2009

Continuity of Force

When we practise we create forces which move through the body. These forces function with martial application and also bring benefit for health.

To maintain the force from the beginning to the end of the form there are various pointers one should pay attention to.

The first point is to sink the substantial feeling of ch'i beneath the feet and into the ground. This is called developing a root. It is produced willfully to begin with and then as deep relaxation becomes natural so the root is maintained naturally.Then, the second point is that, at the early stages of practice, one must pay attention during the transitions in the postures to avoid the root floating upwards. The weight shift is felt under the ground and when an upward force is generated the two forces, downward and upward, need to be separated so that the root is not disturbed. It is necessary to sink whilst issuing a force.

There are other factors which cause a break in the force such as blinking and loss of concentration, etc.
Bristol 29.04.09

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